Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some of new features

We have nearly completed the rework of the traits and perks. There will be at least 15 fully working Traits and 60 Perks in total. See few examples of them below:

Night Person (Trait)
As a night-time person, you are powerful when the sun goes down. All of your primary statistics are improved at night, but dulled during the day. You get a -1 modifier to these statistics from the hours of 6:01 AM to 6:00 PM. You get a +1 modifier to these statistics from the hours of 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

Kamikaze (Trait)
By not paying attention to any threats, you can act a lot more effectively in combat. You deal +10% damage to your opponents, but they ignore your Armor Class when they are attacking you.

Adrenaline Rush (Perk)
SPECIAL Requirements: ST 6, EN 6
Level Requirements: min. 6, max. 24
Levels of perk: 1
You feel the pressure of the blood when they hit you. When your Hit Points fall to 75% or less, you gain +1 Action Point, +2 Strength and +10% Damage Resistance. This works only in combat.

Dodger (Perk)
SPECIAL Requirements: AG 6, LK 5
Level Requirements: min. 6, max. 24
Levels of perk: 2
You can't be hit so easily in combat, if you have this Perk. Every level of this Perk will make maximum chance to be hit lower by 5% (90% with one level of Dodger, 85% with two levels of Dodger).

Earlier Sequence (Perk)
SPECIAL Requirements: AG 6, LK 5
Level Requirements: min. 6
Levels of perk: 1
You gain +10 Sequence. Also, this perks disables one level of Dodger, if your target has any.

Sequence (Statistics)
Makes you aim better when acting as first in combat.

Note: as you probably got used to the fact that Armor Class changes very little in FOnline, it will not be in case here.

We did also a lot of other things, but we'll show them later. As always, a little bonus for you - this time from Bob, who has a small car store. You can buy some real beauties from him and travel through the wasteland with style!

And a small but useful - a flare that makes location visible for all nearby wastelanders. Particularly useful when you are in trouble (or when you are looking for trouble):

Be patient...

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